Travis talks to World No.1 and 2013 Australian Open Champion, Rory McIlroy.
Travis Bruinsma, Director of LuxGolf Australia, catches up, one-on-one with Australian Open Champion and former World No.1, Rory McIlroy the morning after his Open victory last weekend.
Travis: “Nothing was left off the table as RORS and I talked birdies, bogeys, relationships, finally feeling dialed-in’ with his NIKE contract and equipment, his new house purchase in Florida, his loaded 2014 PGA tourney schedule, upcoming Christmas plans…….and Haircuts.”
What a top-Bloke and class-act.
TB: “Rory, mate, after a spectacular Aussie Open win and the “celebrations” that I’m sure ensued last night, I’m surprised you can walk straight this morning….and where are the ‘wings?!”
RM: “Thanks Trav, you’ve got a great city here and It was a HUGE night out on the town to celebrate but you’d be surprised what Coffee, Bacon & Eggs, a morning workout, and a pre-flight haircut can do!”